CfA for student assistant in INFRAGLOB project (from Jan 1, 2024)

The Chair for Sociology of Africa (Prof. Jana Hönke) is offering a position for a Student Assistant
(20h/month) starting from January 1st, 2024. The position is part of the ERC-funded INFRAGLOB project (, which examines governance practices and controversies over South-South investments in Africa. The advertised position has two thematic foci: first, conflicts around Chinese mining projects in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); and second, local/African perceptions of and everyday responses to Chinese projects/actors in Kenya and Tanzania.
Tasks and responsibilities comprise research (of information and literature), transcribing interviews (from English and French), coding documents, updating the website (Wordpress) and Twitter, and support for event organizing and administrative tasks.
A requirement for the application is that you are at an advanced stage of your bachelor studies or already in master studies. Moreover, very good knowledge (preferably at level C1/C2) of English and French is necessary.
Please send your application (cover letter, CV, certificates, transcript of records) in a combined pdf
file until November 7th, 2023, to