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Lehrstuhl Soziologie in Afrika - Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke

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Africa's Global Infrastructures : South–South Transformations in Practice. - Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang (Hrsg.). - London : Hurst Publishers, 2024.

Jaïr van der Lijn, Gretchen Baldwin, Romain Malejacq, Adam Sandor, Pauline Poupart, Makama Oumarou, Saidou Mahamane: Assessing the Effectiveness of European Union Civilian CSDP Missions Involved in Security Sector Reform : The Cases of Afghanistan, Mali and Niger. - Solna, Sweden, 2024. - 65 S.

Jan Sändig: Land grabbing, CSR, and the (de)mobilization of resistance. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 13 (2024). - .

Joschka Philipps: Die Macht und Ohnmacht der Wissenschaft im postkolonialen Kontext. In: F. Gmainer-Pranzl, B. Bussman (Hrsg.): Wissenskulturen : Stile, Methoden und Vermittlung von Wissenschaft. - Berlin : Peter Lang, 2024.

Adam Sandor, Philippe Frowd, Jana Hönke: Productive Failure, African agency, and security cooperation in West Africa : The case of the G5 Sahel. In: European Journal of International Security, 9 (2024). - .

Biruk Terrefe, Harry Verhoeven: The road (not) taken : The contingencies of infrastructure and sovereignty in the Horn of Africa. In: Political Geography, 110 (2024). - .

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang: South–South Transformations in Practice : Conclusions and Outlook. In: Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang (Hrsg.): Africa's Global Infrastructures : South–South Transformations in Practice. - London : Hurst Publishers, 2024.

Bretton J. McEvoy: 'Taking Responsibility for the White Collective' : Implicated Subjects and Transformative Justice in the United States. In: International Journal of Transitional Justice, (2024). - .

Raoul Bunskoek: Beyond the "China Model" : Towards a Relational Understanding of Development Practices in China-Africa Relations. In: Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Yang (Hrsg.): Africa's Global Infrastructures : South-South Transformations in Practice. - London : Hurst Publishers, 2024. - S. 29-48.

Jan Sändig, Jana Hönke: Challenging Chinese Mining Companies : NGO Advocacy Practices and the "Boomerang Model". In: Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang (Hrsg.): Africa's Global Infrastructures : South–South Transformations in Practice. - London : Hurst Publishers, 2024. - S. 103-126.

Jan Sändig, Jana Hönke, Claude Kabemba: Contention and concessions : Exploring the responsiveness of Chinese mining companies in Africa. In: The Extractive Industries and Society, 20 (2024). - .

Joschka Philipps: Entering the Unknown : Youth within and beyond Capture. In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 70 (2024). - S. 109-130.

Jan Sändig, Natalia Dalmer, Tobias Ide, Anselm Vogler: From climate conflicts to environmental peace building : Exploring local dimensions. In: Environment and Security, 2 (2024). - S. 3-20.

Adam Sandor, Laura Berlingozzi: Grassroots geopolitical imaginaries in the Sahel : Civil society security narratives in Burkina Faso and Niger. In: Geopolitics, 29 (2024). - .

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang: Infrastructure Globalities : Emerging Practices at the African Frontier. In: Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang (Hrsg.): Africa's Global Infrastructures : South-South Transformations in Practice. - London : Hurst Publishers, 2024. - S. 1-28.

Bretton J. McEvoy, Myrna E. Morales: "Interrogating the Global North and its Racialized ‘Domestic’ : A North-South Solidarity Agenda”. In: Solveig Richter, Siddharth Tripathi (Hrsg.): Handbook on Peace and Conflict Studies : Perspectives from the Global South(s). - Lanham, Maryland : Rowman and Littlefield International, 2024.


Jan Sändig, Annette Schramm: Widerstand gegen "Land Grabbing" in Sierra Leone. In: Ewald Frie, Mischa Meier (Hrsg.): Krisen anders denken : Wie Menschen mit Bedrohungen umgegangen sind und was wir daraus lernen können. - Berlin : Propyläen, 2023. - S. 199-209.

Maria Ketzmerick: The Anglophone crisis in Cameroon : local conflict, global competition, and transnational rebel governance. In: Small Wars & Insurgencies, 34 (2023). - S. 247-278.

Aoife McCullough, Adam Sandor: Briefing: How a Mutiny became A(nother) Coup : The Politics of Counterinsurgency and International Military Partnerships in Niger. In: African Affairs, 122 (2023). - S. 587-601.

Oumarou Boukari, Joschka Philipps: "Complòóót?" Theorizing about Covid-19 conspiracies in Côte d'Ivoire. In: Michael Butter, Peter Knight (Hrsg.): Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective. - London : Routledge, 2023. - S. 114-127.

Joschka Philipps, Saïkou Oumar Sagnane: A disease of the rich and a disease of the poor : Comparing rumors about the coronavirus and ebola in Guinea. In: Michael Butter, Peter Knight (Hrsg.): Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective. - London : Routledge, 2023. - S. 128-142.

Biruk Terrefe: Goodfellow, Tom: Politics and the Urban Frontier : Transformation and Divergence in Late Urbanizing East Africa. Oxford, 2022. In:African Affairs, 122, S. 621-623: 2023

Vincent Foucher, Joschka Philipps, Abdoulaye Wotem Somparé: Guinée : éléments pour une topographie politique et morale. In: Politique Africaine, 169 (2023). - S. 5-9.

La Guinée depuis Condé. - Vincent Foucher, Joschka Philipps, Abdoulaye Wotem Somparé (Hrsg.). - Politique Africaine, 169 (2023),

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang: Liminally positioned in the South : Reinterpreting Brazilian and Chinese relations with Africa. In: Global Society, 37 (2023). - S. 197-224.

Ernst Henning Hahn, Jan Sändig, Felix Schaefer, Annette Schramm, Marie Schreier, Joachim Werz: Macht und Mobilisierung in Bedrohten Ordnungen. In: Ewald Frie, Mischa Meier, Dennis Schmidt (Hrsg.): Bedroht sein : Gesellschaften unter Stress im Vergleich. - Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2023. - S. 111-139.

Mathias Alencastro, Eric Cezne: The South–South investment that never happened : Vale in Guinea. In: The Extractive Industries and Society, 13 (2023). - .

Joschka Philipps: Whose Uncertainties? Dealing with Multiple Meanings in a Transnational Biography. In: Historical Social Research, 48 (2023). - S. 199-228.


Maria Ketzmerick: A Colonial War Under UN Supervision? The Trusteeship System and the Silenced War in Cameroon. In: Jan Lüdert, Maria Ketzmerick, Julius Heise (Hrsg.): The United Nations Trusteeship System : Legacies, Continuities, and Change. - London : Routledge, 2022.

Maria Ketzmerick, Jan Lüdert, Julius Heise: Introduction. In: Jan Lüdert, Maria Ketzmerick, Julius Heise (Hrsg.): The United Nations Trusteeship System : Legacies, Continuities, and Change. - London : Routledge, 2022.

The United Nations Trusteeship System : Legacies, Continuities, and Change. - Jan Lüdert, Maria Ketzmerick, Julius Heise (Hrsg.). - London : Routledge, 2022. - 242 S.

Roland Töpfer, Jana Hönke, Florian P. Kühn: Ukraine-Krieg : "Russland einen Ausweg anbieten" ; Interview mit Florian Kühn und Jana Hönke. In: Nordbayerischer Kurier, (2022-03-03)

Jan Sändig: Anführer und Radikalisierung : Das Beispiel Boko Haram. In: Jana Kärgel (Hrsg.): Terrorismus im 21. Jahrhundert : Perspektiven, Kontroversen, Blinde Flecken. - Bonn : Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2022. - S. 324-325.

Tareq Sydiq, Maria Ketzmerick: Decentralising Europe : Harnessing Alternative Theories of IR. In: Samantha Cooke (Hrsg.): Non-Western Global Theories of International Relations. - Cham : Springer, 2022. - S. 19-42.

Maria Ketzmerick: Mit Sicherheit Kritik – Welche Kritik an kritischer Forschung?. In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 29 (2022). - S. 70-85.

Eric Cezne, Jana Hönke: The multiple meanings and uses of South–South relations in extraction : The Brazilian mining company Vale in Mozambique. In: World Development, 151 (2022). - .

Joschka Philipps: Cohen, Adrienne J.: Infinite Repertoire : On Dance and Urban Possibility in Postsocialist Guinea. Chicago, 2021. In:Anthropos, 117, S. 546-547: 2022

Maria Ketzmerick, Tareq Sydiq: Europa dezentralisieren als Strategie : Was bedeutet „nicht-westlich“ in der und für die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung?. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 11 (2022). - S. 165-182.

Biruk Terrefe: Infrastructures of Renaissance : tangible discourses in the EPRDF's Ethiopia. In: Critical African Studies, 14 (2022). - S. 250-273.

Yih-Jye Hwang, Raoul Bunskoek, Chih-yu Shih: Re-Worlding the "West" in Post-Western International Relations : The "Theory Migrant" of Tianxia in the Anglosphere. In: Chengxin Pan, Emilian Kavalski (Hrsg.): China's Rise and Rethinking International Relations Theory. - Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2022. - S. 102-122.

Eric Cezne, Urikke Wethal: Reading Mozambique’s mega-project developmentalism through the workplace: evidence from Chinese and Brazilian investments. In: African Affairs, 121 (2022). - S. 343-370.

Joschka Philipps: The urban politics of ruins: new imaginations of postmodern Monrovia. (Rezension von: "Hoffman, Danny: Monrovia modern : urban form and political imagination in Liberia. Durham, 2017") In:Postcolonial Studies, 25, S. 169-173: 2022

Biruk Terrefe: Zekele, Elleni Centime: Ethiopia in Theory : Revolution and Knowledge Production, 1964–2016. Leiden, 2020. In:The Journal of Development Studies, 58, S. 633-634: 2022


Eileen Jahn, Patricia Pinky Ndlovu: The Prospects and Challenges of the Solidarity, Diversity and Inclusion Nexus. - (Paper), Veranstaltung: Solidarity in Diversity : Highlighting Marginal Voices in Academia, Practice and Society, 19.-23. July 2021, Melbourne, Australia (online).

Bretton J. McEvoy:White Reckonings : The Possibilities for Transformative Justice Contributions from Anti-Racist White Activists in the United States. - Massachusetts: 2021. - 174 S.
(Dissertation, 2021, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University))

Raoul Bunskoek, Chih-yu Shih: "Community of Common Destiny" as Post-Western Regionalism : Rethinking China's Belt and Road Initiative from a Confucian Perspective. In: Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 18 (2021). - S. 85-101.

Jan Sändig: Contesting large-scale land acquisitions in the Global South. In: World Development, 146 (2021). - .

Adam Sandor: Elite Bargains and Political Deals in Mali's Transition. - London, UK, 2021.

Race and racism in critical security studies. - Mark B. Salter, Emily Gilbert, Jairus Grove, Jana Hönke, Doerthe Rosenow, Anna Stavrianakis, Maria Stern (Hrsg.). - Security Dialogue, 52 (2021), 1 Suppl

Joschka Philipps: Guinea. In: Africa Yearbook Online, 18 (2021). - .

Tom Lavers, Biruk Terrefe, Fana Gebresenbet: Powering development : the political economy of electricity generation in the EPRDF's Ethiopia. - Manchester, 2021. - 34 S.


Chih-yu Shih, Raoul Bunskoek: Colonial Relationality and Its Post-Chinese Consequences : Japanese Legacies in Contemporary Taiwan's Views on China. In: Chih-yu Shih, Prapin Manomaivibool, Mariko Tanigaki, Swaran Singh (Hrsg.): Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Studies of China and Chineseness : Unlearning Binaries, Strategizing Self. - Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2020. - S. 231-256.

Affectedness and Participation in International Institutions. - Jan Sändig, Jochen von Bernstorff, Andreas Hasenclever (Hrsg.). - London : Routledge, 2020. - xii, 232 S.

Jana Hönke: Beyond the gatekeeper state : African infrastructure hubs as sites of experimentation. In: Sara Rich Dorman (Hrsg.): Beyond the Gatekeeper State. - London : Routledge, 2020.

Sarah Katz-Lavigne: Distributional impact of corporate extraction and (un)authorised clandestine mining at and around large-scale copper- and cobalt-mining sites in DR Congo. In: Resources Policy, 65 (2020). - .

Matthew Sabbi, Alexander Stroh: The "Numbers Game" : Strategic Reactions to Results-Based Development Assistance in Ghana. In: Studies in Comparative International Development, 55 (2020). - S. 77-98.

Adam Sandor: The power of rumour(s) in international interventions: MINUSMA's management of Mali's rumour mill. In: International Affairs, 96 (2020). - S. 913-934.

Doris Buss, Sarah Katz-Lavigne, Otieno Aluoka, Eileen Alma: "Remember the women of Osiri" : women and gender in artisanal and small-scale mining in Migori County, Kenya. In: Canadian Journal of African Studies = Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, 54 (2020). - S. 177-195.

Romain Malejacq, Adam Sandor: Sahelistan? Military Intervention and Patronage Politics in Afghanistan and Mali. In: Civil Wars, 22 (2020). - S. 543-566.

Adam Sandor: Turning point? Mali's potential dialogue with Jihadists. In: Bulletin FrancoPaix, 5 (2020). - S. 7-9.

Philipp Rode, Biruk Terrefe, Nuno F. da Cruz: Cities and the governance of transport interfaces : Ethiopia's new rail systems. In: Transport Policy, 91 (2020). - S. 76-94.

Clarence M. Batan, Adam Cooper, James E. Coté, Alan France, Terri-Ann Gilbert-Roberts, Siri Hettige, Ana Miranda, Pam Nilan, Joschka Philipps, Paul Ugor: Global South Youth Studies, Its Forms and Differences among the South, and between the North and South. In: Sharlene Swartz, Adam Cooper, Clarence M. Batan, Laura Kropff Causa (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Global South Youth Studies. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020. - S. 55-76.

Biruk Terrefe: Urban layers of political rupture : the 'new' politics of Addis Ababa's megaprojects. In: Journal of Eastern African Studies, 14 (2020). - S. 375-395.


Maria Ketzmerick: Staat, Sicherheit und Gewalt in Kamerun : Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf den Dekolonisierungsprozess unter französischer UN-Treuhandverwaltung. - Bielefeld : transcript Verlag, 2019. - 268 S.

Sarah Katz-Lavigne: Property rights and large-scale mining : overlapping claims at and around mining sites at the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. In: Chris Huggins (Hrsg.): Property Rights and Governance in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining : Critical Approaches. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2019.

Maria Ketzmerick: Postkoloniale Außenpolitik : Wie sich Deutschland in Kamerun engagieren sollte. In: Peacelab Blog, 2019-05-20

Sarah Katz-Lavigne: Demand for Congo's cobalt is on the rise : So is the scrutiny of mining practices. In: The Washington Post's Monkey Cage, 2019-02-21

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne: Africa's South-South relations : For instance: Mining and railway lines in Mozambique. In: Spektrum : The Science Magazine of the University of Bayreuth, 15 (2019). - S. 62-67.

Sarah Katz-Lavigne, Moses Kiggundu: African continental integration scholarly literature review : Advances, gaps, and opportunities. In: Africa Journal of Management, 5 (2019). - S. 303-331.

Linnéa Gelot, Adam Sandor: African Security and Global Militarism : Introduction. In: Conflict, Security & Development, 19 (2019). - S. 521-542.

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne: Afrikas Süd-Süd-Beziehungen : Zum Beispiel: Bergbau und Eisenbahnstrecken in Mosambik. In: Spektrum, 15 (2019). - S. 62-66.

Sarah Katz-Lavigne: Artisanal copper mining and conflict at the intersection of property rights and corporate strategies in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In: The Extractive Industries and Society, 6 (2019). - S. 399-406.

Jan Sändig: "Beasts of No Nation" : Afropessimism and the Rationality of Warfare in Africa. In: Ulrich Hamenstädt (Hrsg.): The Interplay between Political Theory and Movies : Bridging two Worlds. - Cham : Springer, 2019. - S. 195-215.

Chih-yu Shih, Chiung-chiu Huang, Pichamon Yeophantong, Raoul Bunskoek, Josuke Ikeda, Yi-jye Hwang, Chih-yun Chang, Ching-chang Chen: China and International Theory : the Balance of Relationships. - London, United Kingdom : Routledge, 2019. - 302 S.

Eric Cezne: Forging transnational ties from below : Challenging the Brazilian mining giant Vale SA across the South Atlantic. In: The Extractive Industries and Society, 6 (2019). - S. 1174-1183.

Forum on "The West" and "The Rest" in International Interventions. - Florian P. Kühn, Mandy Turner (Hrsg.). - Conflict, Security & Development, 19 (2019), 3

Adam Sandor: Institutions for Peace in Mali : Learning from Peacebuilding in Niger. - Montréal, 2019.

Adam Sandor, Aurélie Campana: Les groupes djihadistes au Mali, entre violence, recherche de légitimité et politiques locales. In: Canadian Journal of African Studies = Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, 53 (2019). - S. 415-430.

Florian P. Kühn: Normative Scaling and Crisis Knowledge : The Problematic Use of Selective Analogies to Compare Conflicts. In: Civil Wars, 21 (2019). - S. 569-593.

Bruno Charbonneau, Adam Sandor: Power and Comparative Methods : Performing the Worlds of Armed Conflict. In: Civil Wars, 21 (2019). - S. 437-447.

Maria Ketzmerick: Securitized State Building? The Camerounian Decolonization in Conflict. In: Regina Kreide, Andreas Langenohl (Hrsg.): Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization : Beyond State and International System. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2019. - S. 291-324.

Astrid H.M. Nordin, Graham M. Smith, Raoul Bunskoek, Chiung-chiu Huang, Yi-jye (Jay) Hwang, Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, Emilian Kavalski, Lily H. M. Ling, Leigh Martindale, Mari Nakamura, Daniel Nexon, Laura Premack, Yaqin Qin, Chih-yu Shih, David Tyfield, Emma Williams, Marysia Zalewski: Towards global relational theorizing : a dialogue between Sinophone and Anglophone scholarship on relationalism. In: Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 32 (2019). - S. 570-581.

Florian P. Kühn: Universal patterns of intervention : practice, no "-isms". In: Conflict, Security & Development, 19 (2019). - S. 257-262.

Mandy Turner, Florian P. Kühn: "The West" and "the rest" in international interventions : Eurocentrism and the competition for order. In: Conflict, Security & Development, 19 (2019). - S. 237-243.

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne: Afrikas Süd-Süd-Beziehungen. In: Spektrum, 15 (2019). - S. 44-49.

Sibel Gürler, Joschka Philipps: Judicial Reform and Civil Society in Guinea : Insights from the BEFORE Project (2011-2014). - Basel, 2019. - 46 S.


Sarah Katz-Lavigne, Jana Hönke: Cobalt isn't a conflict mineral. In: Africa Is a Country, 2018-11-09

Jan Sändig:Framing Non-violent Protest and Insurgency : Boko Haram and MASSOB in Nigeria. - Tübingen: 2018. - 333 S.
(Dissertation, 2018, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)

Jana Hönke: Port Geographies : Africa’s Infrastructure Boom and the Reconfiguration of Power and Authority. In: Jon Schubert, Ulf Engel, Elisio Macamo (Hrsg.): Extractive Industries and Changing State Dynamics in Africa. - London : Routledge, 2018. - S. 41-56.

Azza Mustafa Babikir Ahmed, Delia Nicoué, Johanna Rieß, Johanna Sarre, Florian Stoll: Living in African cities: Urban Spaces, Lifestyles and Social Practices in Everyday Life : Introduction. In: Azza Mustafa Babikir Ahmed, Delia Nicoué, Johanna Rieß, Johanna Sarre, Florian Stoll (Hrsg.): Living in African cities : Urban Spaces, Lifestyles and Social Practices in Everyday Life. - Bayreuth : 2018. - S. 1-8.

Philippe M. Frowd, Adam Sandor: Militarism and its limits : Sociological insights on security assemblages in the Sahel. In: Security Dialogue, 49 (2018). - S. 70-82.

Jana Hönke, Ivan Cuesta-Fernandez: Mobilising security and logistics through an African port : a controversies approach to infrastructure. In: Mobilities, 13 (2018). - S. 246-260.

Dieter Neubert, Florian Stoll: The Narrative of "the African Middle Class" and its Conceptual Limitations. In: Lena Kroeker, David O'Kane, Tabea Scharrer (Hrsg.): Middle Classes in Africa : Changing Lives and Conceptual Challenges. - Cham : Springer, 2018. - S. 57-79.

Sarah Katz-Lavigne: Saunders, Richard ; Nyamunda, Tinashe (ed.): Facets of Power: Politics, Profits and People in the Making of Zimbabwe’s Blood Diamonds. Harare, Zimbabwe, 2016. In:Canadian Journal of African Studies = Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, 52, S. 111-113: 2018

Thorsten Bonacker, Werner Distler, Maria Ketzmerick: Securitisation and Desecuritisation of Violence in Trusteeship Statebuilding. In: Civil Wars, 20 (2018). - S. 477-499.

Hameiri Shahar, Lee Jones, Adam Sandor: Security Governance and the Politics of State Transformation : Moving from Description to Explanation. In: Journal of Global Security Studies, 3 (2018). - S. 463-482.

Bruno Charbonneau, Adam Sandor, Jonathan Sears: Stabiliser le Mali : Les Défis de la Résolution des Conflits. - Montréal, 2018.

Jana Hönke: Transnational Clientelism, Global (Resource) Governance, and the Disciplining of Dissent. In: International Political Sociology, 12 (2018). - S. 109-124.

Adam Sandor: World Drug Day and Visual Rituals of Security in West Africa. In: Juha A. Vuori, Rune Saugmann Andersen (Hrsg.): Visual Security Studies : Sights and Spectacles of Insecurity and War. - London : Routledge, 2018. - S. 91-113.

Joschka Philipps: A Global Generation? Youth Studies in a Postcolonial World. In: Societies, 8 (2018). - .

Alzbeta Svablova: Skalník, Petr et al.: Afrikanistika v českých zemích a na Slovensku po roce 1960 : kritické ohlédnutí. (Czech and Slovak African Studies after 1960: A Critical Hindsight). Hradec Králové, 2017. In:Africa Spectrum, 53, S. 131-133: 2018

Annette Schramm, Jan Sändig: Affectedness Alliances : Affected People at the Centre of Transnational Advocacy. In: Third World Thematics, 3 (2018). - S. 664-683.

Affectedness in International Institutions. - Jan Sändig, Jochen von Bernstorff, Andreas Hasenclever (Hrsg.). - Third World Thematics, 3 (2018), 5-6

Jan Sändig, Jochen von Bernstorff, Andreas Hasenclever: Affectedness in International Institutions : Promises and Pitfalls of involving the most affected. In: Third World Thematics, 3 (2018). - S. 587-604.

Jan Sändig, Tanja Granzow: Aligning with the UN : Nonviolent Self-Determination Movements in the Global South. In: Journal of Global Security Studies, 3 (2018). - S. 322-338.

Jana Hönke: Beyond the gatekeeper state : African infrastructure hubs as sites of experimentation. In: Third World Thematics, 3 (2018). - S. 347-363.

Jana Hönke, Markus-Michael Müller: Brokerage, Intermediation, Translation. In: Thomas Risse, Tanja A. Börzel, Anke Draude (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018. - S. 333-352.

Ralph Hamann, Jana Hönke, Tim O’Riordan: Environmental and natural resources. In: Thomas Risse, Tanja A. Börzel, Anke Draude (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018. - S. 498-519.

Jan Sändig: Framing Non-Violence : MASSOB and the Puzzling Non-Escalation of the Struggle for Biafra in Nigeria. In: Ewald Frie, Thomas Kohl, Mischa Meier (Hrsg.): Dynamics of Social Change and Perceptions of Threat. - Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2018. - S. 37-57.

Rita Abrahamsen, Adam Sandor: The Global South and International Security. In: Alexandra Gheciu, William C. Wohlforth (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of International Security. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018. - S. 382-396.

Florian Stoll: How to be middle class in Nairobi : Lifestyles of middle-income milieus and their relation to Nairobi's city structure. In: Azza Mustafa Babikir Ahmed, Delia Nicoué, Johanna Rieß, Johanna Sarre, Florian Stoll (Hrsg.): Living in African Cities : Urban Spaces, Lifestyles and Social Practices in Everyday Life. - Bayreuth : 2018. - S. 40-58.

Azza Mustafa Babikir Ahmed, Delia Nicoué, Johanna Rieß, Johanna Sarre, Florian Stoll, Katharina Zöller: Living in African Cities: Urban Spaces, Lifestyles and Social Practices in Everyday Life. - Azza Mustafa Babikir Ahmed, Delia Nicoué, Johanna Rieß, Johanna Sarre, Florian Stoll (Hrsg.). - Bayreuth : 2018. - X, 110 S.


Antje Daniel, Florian Stoll: Conference Report : Middle Classes, Protest, and Social Change in Africa and Beyond. In: Africa Spectrum, 52 (2017). - S. 111-116.

Maria Ketzmerick, Thorsten Bonacker: How Security Dynamics Shaped Trusteeship Statebuilding : The French Administration of Cameroon. In: Thorsten Bonacker, Werner Distler, Maria Ketzmerick (Hrsg.): Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017. - S. 155-182.

Adam Sandor: Insecurity, the Breakdown of Social Trust, and Armed Actor Governance in Central and Northern Mali : A Stabilizing Mali Project Preliminary Report. - Montréal, 2017.

Florian Stoll: Living today or saving for tomorrow? : Perspectives of the Future among "middle-class" milieus in Nairobi. In: Transcience, 8 (2017). - S. 40-57.

Florian Stoll: Middle Classes. In: Gilberto Antonelli, Boike Rehbein (Hrsg.): Inequality in Economics and Sociology : New Perspectives. - London : Routledge, 2017. - S. 81-97.

Boike Rehbein, Florian Stoll: Mittelschichten und Ungleichheit im globalen Süden. In: Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, Stefan Peters, Nico Weinmann (Hrsg.): Entwicklungstheorie von heute - Entwicklungspolitik von morgen. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017. - S. 111-132.

Jana Hönke: Neue Politische Geographien von Konflikt und Widerstand : eine Einleitung. In: IReflect : Student Journal of International Relations, 4 (2017). - S. 3-14.

Jana Hönke: New Political Geographies of Conflict and Resistence : an Introduction. In: IReflect : Student Journal of International Relations, 4 (2017). - S. 15-18.

The Politics of International Intervention : The Tyranny of Peace. - Mandy Turner, Florian P. Kühn (Hrsg.). - London : Routledge, 2017. - xiv, 288 S.

Maria Ketzmerick, Werner Distler: The "Politics of Protection" and Elections in Trusteeship and International Administration : The Cases of Cameroun and Kosovo. In: Thorsten Bonacker, Werner Distler, Maria Ketzmerick (Hrsg.): Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017. - S. 127-154.

Sarah Katz-Lavigne: The renegotiation window : Resource contract renegotiations in the mining industry in Africa from 2000 to 2013. In: Resources Policy, 51 (2017). - S. 22-30.

Florian P. Kühn: Risikopolitik : Eine Einführung. - Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2017.

Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention. - Thorsten Bonacker, Werner Distler, Maria Ketzmerick (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017. - 295 S.

Jana Hönke, Ivan Cuesta-Fernandez: A topolographical approach to infrastructure : political topography, topology and the port of Dar es Salaam. In: Environment and Planning D : Society and Space, 35 (2017). - S. 1076-1095.

Dyan Mazurana, Bretton J. McEvoy: "Enhancing Women's Access to Justice in the Transitional Phase" : Practitioner's Manual on Women's Access to Justice. - New York, 2017. 354 S.

Joschka Philipps: Politics of the Future - Riots of the Now : Temporal Horizons of Youth in Upheavals in England and Guinea. In: Noemi Steuer, Michelle Engeler, Elisio Macamo (Hrsg.): Dealing with Elusive Futures : University Graduates in Urban Africa. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2017. - S. 123-143.

Julia Büchele, Joschka Philipps: "We are too concerned with Africa" : Questioning and answering with Elísio Macamo. In: Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 17 (2017). - S. 95-115.


Adam Sandor: 4x4s. In: Mark B. Salter (Hrsg.): Making Things International 2 : Catalysts and Reactions. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2016. - S. 338-355.

Jan Sändig: 9/11 und die Ursachen von Terrorismus in der animierten TV-Serie Family Guy. In: Ulrich Hamenstädt (Hrsg.): Politische Theorie im Film. - Wiesbaden : Springer, 2016. - S. 141-168.

Florian P. Kühn: The Ambiguity of Things : Souvenirs from Afghanistan. In: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 10 (2016). - S. 97-115.

Jan Sändig: Boko Haram : Lokaler oder transnationaler Terrorismus?. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 66 (2016). - S. 33-39.

Adam Sandor: Border Security and Drug Trafficking in Senegal : AIRCOP and Global Security Assemblages. In: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 10 (2016). - S. 490-512.

Alzbeta Svablova: Dealing with the Violent Past : Transitional Justice and Political Culture in Liberia and the Czech Republic in a Comparative Perspective. In: Modern Africa, 4 (2016). - S. 65-90.

Florian Stoll, Antje Daniel, Sebastian Müller: Einleitung: Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? Gesellschaften im Wandel. In: Antje Daniel, Sebastian Müller, Florian Stoll, Rainer Öhlschläger (Hrsg.): Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? : Gesellschaften im Wandel. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016. - S. 9-28.

Martina Löw, Florian Stoll: Friseursalons als dritte Orte : Raum-Zeit-Konventionen sozialer Milieus. In: Anne Schippling, Cathleen Grunert, Nicolle Pfaff (Hrsg.): Kritische Bildungsforschung : Standortbestimmungen und Gegenstandsfelder. - Opladen : Verl. Barbara Budrich, 2016. - S. 191-210.

Jana Hönke, Markus-Michael Müller: The Global Making of Policing : Postcolonial Perspectives. - London : Routledge, 2016.

Florian P. Kühn: Introduction: Contemporary Modalities of Violence. In: IReflect : Student Journal of International Relations, 3 (2016). - S. 3-14.

Jana Hönke, Sara Geenen: Land Grabbing by Mining Companies : Local Contentions and State Reconfiguration in South Kivu (DRC). In: An Ansom, Thea Hilhorst (Hrsg.): Losing your Land : Disposession in the Great Lakes. - New York : James Currey Publishers, 2016. - S. 58-81.

Florian Stoll: Lebensweisen von Mittelschicht-Milieus in Nairobi : Eine Analyse mit Randall Collins' Interaction Ritual Chains. In: Antje Daniel, Sebastian Müller, Florian Stoll, Rainer Öhlschläger (Hrsg.): Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? : Gesellschaften im Wandel. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016. - S. 195-216.

Antje Daniel, Sebastian Müller, Florian Stoll, Rainer Öhlschläger: Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? : Gesellschaften im Wandel. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016. - 219 S.

Sarah Katz-Lavigne: Property rights and large-scale mining : overlapping claims at and around mining sites at the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. In: Third World Thematics, 1 (2016). - S. 202-217.

Jan Sändig, Annette Schramm: Protest und Widerstand gegen Großinvestitionen im Globalen Süden. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 5 (2016). - S. 249-262.

Alzbeta Svablova: Reconciliation in Liberia : Discourse, knowledge, consequences. In: Hana Horáková, Kateřina Werkman (Hrsg.): Knowledge Production in and on Africa. - Zürich : LIT, 2016. - S. 83-104.

Jan Pospisil, Florian P. Kühn: The resilient state: new regulatory modes in international approaches to state building?. In: Third World Quarterly, 37 (2016). - S. 1-16.

Adam Sandor: Tightly Packed : Disciplinary Power, the UNODC, and the Container Control Programme in Dakar. In: African Studies Review, 59 (2016). - S. 133-160.

Jana Hönke: Unternehmen für Menschenrechte und Frieden? Zur Reichweite und Performativität freiwilliger Unternehmensstandards. In: Kritische Justiz, 49 (2016). - S. 468-478.

Joschka Philipps: Crystallising contention : social movements, protests and riots in African Studies. In: Review of African Political Economy, 43 (2016). - S. 592-607.

Joschka Philipps: Crystallizing Contention : A Cumulative Dissertation on Youth, Politics, and Urban Violence in Conakry, Kampala, and Beyond. - Basel : University of Basel, 2016.

Dyan Mazurana, Anastasia Marshak, Rachel Gordon, Jimmy Hilton Opio, Teddy Atim, Bretton J. McEvoy: Disability and recovery from war in northern Uganda. In: Third World Thematics, 1 (2016). - S. 353-369.

Joschka Philipps, Jude Kagoro: The Metastable City and the Politics of Crystallisation : Protesting and Policing in Kampala. In: Africa Spectrum, 51 (2016). - S. 3-32.

Bruno Charbonneau, Emmanuel Goffi, Adam Sandor, Jonathan Sears, Julien Tourreille: Quels futurs pour le maintien de la paix et la gouvernance sécuritaire en Afrique? Ordre, violence et légitimité. - Montréal, 2016. 38 S.


Dieter Neubert, Florian Stoll: Socio-Cultural Diversity of the African Middle Class : the Case of Urban Kenya. - Bayreuth : 2015. - VI, 18 S.

Jana Hönke, Bandi Mbubi, Martin Murray, David Brown: What should the university do about conflict minerals?. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Ethics Forum Edinburgh, 26.02.2015, University of Edinburgh.

Raoul Bunskoek: China as an Access to Desire : Cultural Hegemony of Capitalism in Taiwan. In: Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, 11 (2015). - S. 171-189.

Florian Stoll: ESSA-Tagung "Mittelschichten/Mittelklassen im globalen Süden" an der Humboldt Universität Berlin. In: Soziologie, 44 (2015). - S. 471-474.

Jan Sändig: Framing Protest and Insurgency : Boko Haram and MASSOB in Nigeria. In: Civil Wars, 17 (2015). - S. 141-160.

Tanja Granzow, Andreas Hasenclever, Jan Sändig: Introduction : Framing Political Violence - A Micro-Approach to Civil War Studies. In: Civil Wars, 17 (2015). - S. 113-119.

Jana Hönke: New Political Geographies : Exploring large-scale economic infrastructures, 2015

Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Florian P. Kühn: On Afghan Footbaths and Sacred Cows in Kosovo: Urban Legends of Intervention. In: Peacebuilding, 3 (2015). - S. 17-35.

Dieter Neubert, Florian Stoll: Zur Analyse soziokultureller Differenzierung von Mittelschichten im Globalen Süden : Eine exemplarische Analyse von Milieus in Nairobi. In: Stephan Lessenich (Hrsg.): Routinen der Krise - Krise der Routinen : Verhandlungen des 37. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. - Trier : 2015. - S. 1599-1610.


Jana Hönke: Does big business build peace?. In: The Washington Post's Monkey Cage, 2014-09-29

Sarah Boyack, Jana Hönke: #BritainAfrica50 : Fair Trade, Fair Extraction, Fairplay?. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: #BritainAfrica50 - Fair Trade, Fair Extraction, Fairplay?, 27.02.2014, Recorded at the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh.

Jana Hönke: Business and the uses of 'civil society' : governing Congolese mining areas. In: Clive Gabay, Carl Death (Hrsg.): Critical Perspectives on African Politics : Liberal interventions, state-building and civil society. - London : 2014. - S. 91-107.

Jana Hönke: Business for peace? : The ambiguous role of "ethical" mining companies. In: Peacebuilding, 2 (2014). - S. 172-187.

Alzbeta Svablova: Institutional Arrangements in Post-Conflict Contexts : the Land Commission and the Governance Commission in Post-War Liberia. In: Modern Africa, 2 (2014). - S. 93-116.

Isaline Bergamaschi, Sara Dezalay, Florian P. Kühn, Nicolas Lemay-Hébert: Introduction: Rwanda 20 Years after the Genocide: Reflecting on Intervention and Reconciliation. In: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 8 (2014). - S. 273-279.

Florian Stoll: Middle Classes in Kenya : A research training excursion to Kenya: MA Cultural and Social Anthropology. In: Newsletter of African Studies at the University of Bayreuth, 14 (2014). - S. 62.

Jana Hönke, Christian R. Thauer: Multinational Corporations and Service Provision in Sub-Saharan Africa : Legitimacy and Institutionalization Matter. In: Governance, 27 (2014). - S. 697-716.

Andreas Hasenclever, Jan Sändig: Nigeria – Gewaltursache Religion?. In: Ines-Jacqueline Werkner (Hrsg.): Friedensgutachten 2014. - Münster : LIT, 2014. - S. 180-195.

Dieter Neubert, Florian Stoll: One or many middle class(es) in Kenya? : Towards an analytical frame for distinguishing subgroups. In: African Dynamics in a Multipolar World : 5th European Conference on African Studies ; Conference Proceedings. - Lisboa : 2014. - S. 2114-2131.

Nina Baur, Martina Löw, Linda Hering, Anna Laura Raschke, Florian Stoll: Die Rationalität lokaler Wirtschaftspraktiken im Friseurwesen : Der Beitrag der "Ökonomie der Konventionen" zur Erklärung räumlicher Unterschiede wirtschaftlichen Handelns. In: Dieter Bögenhold (Hrsg.): Soziologie des Wirtschaftlichen. - Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2014. - S. 299-328.

Mirian Goldenberg: Untreu. - Florian Stoll, Thomas Leithäuser (Hrsg.). - Konstanz : UVK Univ.-Verl., 2014.

Joschka Philipps: Dealing with diversity : African youth research and the potential of comparative approaches. In: Journal of Youth Studies, 17 (2014). - S. 1362-1377.

Joschka Philipps: Les Jeunes et la Sécurité. In: Sébastien M. Gouraud (Hrsg.): Diagnostic Local de Sécurité : Un outil au service de la Réforme de la Police Nationale Guinéenne. - Geneve : COGINTA, 2014. - S. 165-182.


Jana Hönke: Between Cause and Cure : the Mining Industry and HIV/AIDS Governance in South Africa. In: Tanja A. Börzel, Christian Thauer (Hrsg.): Business and Governance in South Africa : Racing to the Top?. - London : Palgrave MacMillan, 2013. - S. 67-87.

Tanja A. Börzel, Christian R. Thauer: Business and Governance in South Africa. - Basingstoke : Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.

Jana Hönke, Nicole Kranz, Anna Kristin Müller-Debus, Christian R. Thauer: Business, Governance and Government in South Africa : The Legacy of Apartheid. In: Tanja A. Börzel, Christian Thauer (Hrsg.): Business and Governance in South Africa : Racing to the Top?. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - S. 18-38.

Jana Hönke, Markus Lederer: Development and International Relations. In: Handbook of International Relations. - Los Angeles : SAGE, 2013. - S. 775-800.

Nicole Kranz, Jana Hönke: Environmental Policy in South Africa. In: Tanja A. Börzel, Christian Thauer (Hrsg.): Business and Governance in South Africa : Racing on the Top?. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - S. 123-127.

Jana Hönke, Tanja A. Börzel: Restraint of Statehood and the Quality of Governance by Multinational Companies in Sub-Saharan Africa. - Berlin, 2013. - 36 S.

Jana Hönke: Transnational companies and security governance : hybrid practices in a postcolonial world. - London : Routledge, 2013.

Bretton J. McEvoy: Gender-Just Reparations : Key Elements and Approaches. - Massachusetts, 2013. 90 S.
(Masterarbeit, 2013, The Fletcher School of law and diplomacy at Tufts University)

Joschka Philipps: Youth Gangs and Urban Political Protests : A Relational Perspective on Conakry's "Axis of Evil". In: Brigit Obrist, Veit Arlt, Elísio Macamo (Hrsg.): Living the City in Africa : Processes of Invention and Intervention. - Berlin : LIT, 2013. - S. 81-98.


Jana Hönke, Esther Thomas: Governance for Whom? : Capturing the Inclusiveness and Unintended Effects of Governance. - Berlin, 2012. - 30 S.

Tanja A. Börzel, Jana Hönke, Christian R. Thauer: Does it really take the state?. In: Business and Politics, 14 (2012). - S. 1-34.

Jana Hönke, Markus-Michael Müller: Governing (in)security in a postcolonial world : Transnational entanglements and the worldliness of ‘local’ practice. In: Security Dialogue, 43 (2012). - S. 383-401.

Andreas Hasenclever, Jan Sändig: "I Can't Live With or Without You" : Peace-Building and Reconciliation. In: Martin Leiner, Susan Flämig (Hrsg.): Latin America between Conflict and Reconciliation. - Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012. - S. 231-259.

Florian P. Kühn, Mandy Turner: Introduction: Peacebuilding, Peace Operations and Regime Change Wars. In: International Peacekeeping, 19 (2012). - S. 393-395.

Florian Stoll: Leben im Moment? : Soziale Milieus in Brasilien und ihr Umgang mit Zeit. - Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verl., 2012. - 366 S.

Andreas Hasenclever, Lukas Kasten, Jan Sändig: Mediation and Peace-building through Churches and Church-related Organizations in the Context of Conflict and Violence. - , 2012. 105 S.

Jana Hönke: Multinationals and Security Governance in the Community : Participation, Discipline and Indirect Rule. In: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 6 (2012). - S. 57-73.

Florian P. Kühn: The Peace Prefix: Ambiguities of the Word "Peace". In: International Peacekeeping, 19 (2012). - S. 396-409.

Tanja A. Börzel, Jana Hönke: Security and Human Rights : Mining Companies between International Commitment and Corporate Practice. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2012.

Special Issue : Governing (In)Security in the Postcolonial World. - Markus-Michael Müller, Jana Hönke (Hrsg.). - Security Dialogue, 43 (2012), 5

Where Has All the Peace Gone? Peacebuilding, Peace Operations and Regime Change Wars. - Florian P. Kühn, Mandy Turner (Hrsg.). - International Peacekeeping, 19 (2012), 4


Ercüment Çelik, Veronika Wöhrer, Christian Ersche, Florian Stoll, Jose Gabriel Jimenez, Judith Altrogge, Maximilian Vogelmann: A Commentary on Boike Rehbein's Approach to Critical Theory after the Rise of the Global South and on his Concept "Kaleidoscopic Dialectic". In: Transcience, 2 (2011). - S. 72-80.

Florian P. Kühn: Deutschlands (Nicht-) Drogenpolitik in Afghanistan. In: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 4 (2011). - S. 115-129.

Tanja A. Börzel, Jana Hönke: From compliance to practice : mining companies and the voluntary principles on security and human rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo. - Berlin, 2011. - 38 S.

Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Florian P. Kühn: "The International Community Needs to Act" : Loose Use and Empty Signalling of a Hackneyed Concept. In: International Peacekeeping, 18 (2011). - S. 135-151.

Shahar Hameiri, Florian P. Kühn: Introduction: Risk, Risk Management and International Relations. In: International Relations, 25 (2011). - S. 275-279.

Florian P. Kühn: Less is more: International Intervention and the Limits of External Stabilization. In: Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 17 (2011). - S. 62-74.

Radikalisierung und Terrorismus im Westen. - Andreas Hasenclever, Jan Sändig (Hrsg.). - Der Bürger im Staat, 61 (2011), 4

Andreas Hasenclever, Jan Sändig: Religion und Radikalisierung? : Zu den säkularen Mechanismen der Rekrutierung transnationaler Terroristen im Westen. In: Der Bürger im Staat, 61 (2011). - S. 204-213.

Risk, Risk Management and International Relations. - Shahar Hameiri, Florian P. Kühn (Hrsg.). - International Relations, 25 (2011), 3

Florian P. Kühn: Securing Uncertainty: Sub-state Security Dilemma and the Risk of Intervention. In: International Relations, 25 (2011). - S. 363-380.

Heribert Weiland, Kerstin Priwitzer, Joschka Philipps: Education in Fragile Contexts : Government Practices and Political Challenges. - Freiburg : Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, 2011. - 230 S.

Joschka Philipps, Heribert Weiland, Kerstin Priwitzer: Introduction. In: Heribert Weiland, Kerstin Priwitzer, Joschka Philipps (Hrsg.): Education in Fragile Contexts : Government Practices and Political Challenges. - Freiburg : Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, 2011. - S. 13-28.

Joschka Philipps: Sweet talk or Street Riots? Education and Political Action by Youths in Conakry, Guinea. In: Heribert Weiland, Kerstin Priwitzer, Joschka Philipps (Hrsg.): Education in Fragile Contexts : Government Practices and Political Challenges. - Freiburg : Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, 2011. - S. 131-165.


Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Florian P. Kühn: Illusion Statebuilding : Warum sich der westliche Staat so schwer exportieren lässt. - Hamburg : Edition Körber-Stiftung, 2010. - 215 S.

Jana Hönke: New political topographies : Mining companies and indirect discharge in Southern Katanga (DRC). In: Politique Africaine, 120 (2010). - S. 105-127.

Jan Bachmann, Jana Hönke: 'Peace and Security' as Counterterrorism? : the Political Effects of Liberal Interventions in Kenya. In: African Affairs, 109 (2010). - S. 97-114.

Florian P. Kühn: Sicherheit und Entwicklung in der Weltgesellschaft : Liberales Paradigma und Statebuilding in Afghanistan. - Wiesbaden : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010. - 385 S.

Jana Hönke: Transnational pockets of territoriality : Topographies of security governance and extraction in Katanga/DRC. - Leipzig, 2010. - 26 S.


Jana Hönke: Extractive Orders : Transnational Mining Companies in the Nineteenth and Twenty-First Centuries in the Central African Copperbelt. In: Roger Southall, Henning Melber (Hrsg.): A New Scramble for Africa : imperialism, investment and development. - Scotsville : University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2009. - S. 274-298.

Florian Stoll: Gegen den Neoliberalismus. In: Gerhard Fröhlich, Boike Rehbein (Hrsg.): Bourdieu-Handbuch : Leben, Werk, Wirkung. - Stuttgart : Metzler, 2009. - S. 319-326.

Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Florian P. Kühn: The "International Community" - Rhetoric or Reality? : Tracing a seemingly well-known apparition. In: Sicherheit und Frieden, 27 (2009). - S. 73-79.

Jana Hönke: Sicherheits-Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 59 (2009). - S. 15-21.


Florian P. Kühn: Aid, Opium, and the State of Rents in Afghanistan : Competition, Cooperation, or Cohabitation?. In: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 2 (2008). - S. 309-327.


Jana Hönke: Fragile Staatlichkeit und der Wandel der Afrikapolitik nach 1990. - Leipzig, 2005. - 51 S.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Univ.Prof.Dr. Jana Hönke

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